For Professional Introducers Only
Interbridge secure loans against prime residential property in France, Spain, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. We work with you and your clients where there are complex structuring requirements, cross-jurisdiction nationalities/ownership structures, or in transactions that involve multiple securities. We are ready to assist your clients access transitional capital reliably and with ease.

Loans from €750,000 to €10m
(€5m per security)
6 - 24 month terms available
Residential Property held in
a company structure
Retained Interest Model
Gross Loan to Value up to 60%
Cross-border Lending
Full criteria can be found in the Interbridge Europe Product Guide below. If you have any queries about how we can help, or wish to discuss a possible application with us, please contact one of our knowledgeable and experienced sales team using the contact form at the bottom of the page or contact the representative from your country.
Where can Interbridge provide finance?Interbridge Europe currently arranges financing on properties located in France, Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Interbridge Mortgages is a new and innovative second charge lender providing secured loans in the UK. Find out more at interbridgemortgages.com
Does Interbridge accept commercial property?We will only accept habitable, residential property. The property cannot be a primary residence.
Can the financing be extended at the end of the term?Our maximum term is 24 months in total. Extensions can be implemented on day 1 up to this maximum term (with additional costs) upon review of the exit strategy.
Could Interbridge arrange financing for residential property which is still being built?No, Interbridge can only provide funding if the property is fully finished, and no substantial renovation or development works are planned.
Are there any restrictions on an applicant/guarantor?Yes, Interbridge does not arrange finance for individuals with high AML risk, on sanctions list, ex-criminals, or people with an unclear past.
What are the main requirements for collateral positions to obtain funding?The property must be owned by an SPV, first charge in our favour, personal guarantee of company’s shareholders and debenture/share pledge of company’s shares.
Can we secure a loan on more than one Property?This will be considered on a case-by-case basis but generally the minimum property value will be €1.25m and maximum loan €10m.
Under what circumstances might Interbridge consider cancelling the process after the Commitment fee has been paid?Interbridge make every effort to collect all relevant information prior to issuing an Initial Loan Offer including speaking to the applicant(s) to ensure the property and company details are understood. Only significant down valuations or mismatches in provided information may cause us to reconsider our offer. Every effort will be made to accommodate changes in circumstances.
Can a client use their own valuation for our financing purposes?Interbridge will always require a dedicated valuation due to special requirements and the asset-based nature of our business.
How Long is an Initial Loan Offer valid? Can it be extended?Interbridge Loan Offers will be cancelled after 21 Days with no contact from the client. Updated client call will be required before re-issuing an ILO.
How is the broker procuration fee paid?The introducer will inform us of the charge to the client for advice and this will be deducted from the Gross Loan Amount.
How long does it take to complete the financing after all documents are received?Process completion time depends on the location of the property and the structure of the financing. On average Interbridge arranges financing within two to three months depending on the response time from all parties.